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“I Will Not Leave You Orphaned”

Writer's picture: Father Daniel CorsoFather Daniel Corso

Dear Family in Christ,

On this 6th Sunday of Easter, the Church gives us the next installment of the Farewell Discourse from John’s Gospel. Last Sunday, Jesus addressed the disciples’ troubled hearts. This Sunday, Jesus makes them another comforting promise: I will not leave you orphaned. How comforting must this have been to those disciples who feared being abandoned- and how comforting it ought to be for us.

There are going to be times in our lives when we wonder if God has abandoned us. When things just aren’t going our way, if our lives don’t turn out the way we had hoped, or we experience significant suffering, our faith in this promise of Jesus is tested. It can be easy to panic, and to forget His promise.

The Gospel this Sunday reminds us of that promise. No matter what we go through, Jesus will not abandon us; He will not leave us orphaned. One of the greatest signs of His steadfast love is the gift of motherhood. This Mothers’ Day, let us thank God for His gift of our own mothers, and for the women in our lives who have shown us motherly love. Let us pray for all mothers, that they would reflect the tender, nurturing love of God in the way only a mother can. Whether this has been our experience of motherhood or not, we can all turn to our Blessed Mother, Mary, whom we honour especially during this month of May.

God Love You,

Father Daniel

PS- Mom, if you’re reading this, Happy Mother’s Day. Thank you for everything, and I love you.

PPS- Here’s a beautiful Psalm to pray when things get tough:


(Childlike Trust in God)

O Lord, my heart is not proud,

Nor haughty my eyes

I have not gone after things too great,

nor marvels beyond me.

Truly I have set my soul in silence and peace.

As a child has rest in its mother’s arms,

even so my soul.

O Israel hope in the Lord, both now and forever.

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