Pastoral Team
Pastor: Fr. Paul MacNeil

I was appointed as pastor of Our Lady of the Scapular parish in November 2015 and I am delighted to be here. Before that, I was pastor of St. Ann's parish in Fenwick Ontario, a small but loving community about 30 minutes from here. I was born and raised in St. Catharines and ordained to the priesthood in 1999. Currently I am Chair of the Niagara Catholic District School Board and I'm working on my PhD in Religious Studies at McMaster University. As your pastor, my first priority is just to listen, to get to know you and understand the best way for me to serve you and to bring you closer to each other and to God through Christ.

6557 Thorold Stone Road
Niagara Falls, Ontario, L2J 1B2
Phone: 905-358-7611 • Fax 905-358-7679
Office Hours: Monday to Thursday 9:00am to 3:00pm
(We are closed from 12:00 - 1:00pm for lunch)
**Fridays 9:00am to 12:00pm
Other Ways of Donating
There are several ways to donate to Our Lady of the Scapular:
Pre-Authorized giving (automatic withdrawal): click here.
Credit card or Paypal (Canada Helps link): click here.
E-transfer: use our business email address with your bank:
Regular mail: send your weekly offertory envelope or cheque payable to Our Lady of the Scapular Parish to:​
​Our Lady of the Scapular Parish
6557 Thorold Stone Rd.
Niagara Falls Ontario
L2J 1B2
Drop off: If absolutely necessary, you may drop your envelope through the key slot in the parish office door.
Donations to St. Vincent de Paul: click here.
Thank you for considering the financial needs of our parish. We understand and appreciate that financial pressure on families is different today than it was even a few months ago. Here at our Lady of the Scapular we are also carefully managing our expenses and are deeply grateful for any help you can provide. Thank you and be assured of our continued prayers and best wishes.