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Welcome to Our Lady of the Scapular 

This is how I want everyone to feel.  â€‹Whether you are joining us for Mass, watching our live streamed celebrations, or visiting this website or our Facebook page, I want you to know that at Our Lady of the Scapular you are warmly welcomed. It is my hope and desire that you make our parish your spiritual home, or your spiritual home away from home. 

​As a caring Roman Catholic community of believers, my first priority is caring for all those entrusted to my care – and leading you to Christ. Take the time to explore this site and join us for one of our Eucharistic celebrations.  I will be there to personally welcome you. 

Until then, may God bless each of you and those that you love.
Fr. Gregory Schmidt, Pastor

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For some excellent online Catholic Videos, watch FORMED
Parish Code: VYH4HZ

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to our parish?


Parish Office:

9:00am - 3:00pm

Monday- Friday

(closed 12-1pm for lunch)



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